January of 2011 found us in Nelsonville in a little apartment and looking for getting into another place. It also marked 1 year of being in this area (my husband grew up here so not for him but for me).
February of 2011 found us moving to our trailer in The Plains,Oh and we were so excited. We also celebrated 3 years since we were engaged.
March of 2011 found us celebrating Bud's 28th Birthday. We also added a family member, our dog Kosar who was born in February of this year.
April of 2011 found us still continuing in school to try and get our degrees by June of 2012! And found us wishing for spring to come quickly!
May of 2011 found us celebrating Abby's 26th Birthday! We also had to end up putting a transmission in Hubby's truck!
June of 2011 found us finishing up Spring quarter at hocking, enjoying youth camp at Nelsonville, and starting into Summer quarter. It also found us celebrating 5 years of being together on the 26th!
July of 2011 found Abby heading to Nashville, TN for training as an A.C.E. Administrator and Supervisor. That was a long week! That was the longest Bud and I had ever been apart in the time that we'd been married! It also found us seeing my brother's newest girl Paislee for the first time and all of my family being together for the first time in 3 years!
August of 2011 Found Abby helping to get Hocking Valley Christian Academy started in Nelsonville, painting and printing up stuff and preparing her first ever bulletin board.
September of 2011 The school launched and Abby started teaching there and we also started our 5th quarter at Hocking College!
October of 2011 Bud and Abby were the Song evangelist for a revival and had a great time doing it!
November of 2011 We celebrated Thanksgiving with Bud's family.
December of 2011 We celebrated 3 years of Marriage on the 20th. We also were able to spend a week with my parents in Northern Ohio and got to see a little snow!
My goals for 2012 are:
1) To grow closer to God through prayer, Bible reading and praise.
2) To finish my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education.
3) To learn to enjoy and savor each moment I'm given and make the best of it!
4) To keep in better touch with my family and friends!
5) To get organized in my home and keep it that way!
These are not resolutions per-say but just some goals I have! Do any of you have goals for 2012 if so leave me a comment about them!