With the Thanksgiving Season upon us, I would like to start a weekly praise session on Serene Sundays here on the blog. I have been reading through the Psalms in my devotions and they are a great inspiration for praise, so I'll be using those quite frequently!
This weeks praise session comes from
"Yet the Lord will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life."
Psalm 42:8
I know that this does not directly say to praise the Lord, but I can't find a reason from this verse NOT to praise the Lord. He has been my song in the night many times. It seems that darkness brings with it scary images and sometimes scary thoughts, but I've found that singing songs in the night dispells that darkness. I've lain awake for a long time in the night singing, of course in my head so that I don't wake my husband, songs about Jesus and about the precious blood that covers me. It is such a comfort to me to know that in those dark times God is always right there listening.
And this verse also talks about the daytime and how that God gives his lovingkindness during the daytime as well. Since finding out that we are expecting and expecting twins at that, there have been lots of anxious doctor appointments and times during the daytime when I've been uptight about the outcome of something that I have little control over, but God has always been right there. He's been both loving and kind to me during this time in my life as well as my husband's life. We both are looking forward to raising our twin girls to serve him and know him in a personal way.
These are just a few of the praises to God this Sunday, one is for his lovingkindness during the day (and in the nightime too) and another is for the songs in the night that he gives.
I know several friends who have been going through some very dark times in their lives and feeling like things are almost hopeless, but I'm so glad that even in the midst of the storms of life we have an anchor and a song and that we need not dispair and lose hope, because the One we believe in controls the waves and the wind and HE walks on water!
I'm linking to:
Welcome Back on Spiritual Sundays: http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/2013/10/welcome-back.html
I'm linking to:
Welcome Back on Spiritual Sundays: http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/2013/10/welcome-back.html