Just wanted to share a few praises. I've been going through a deep valley recently and yesterday it kept coming to me why don't you just go and pray and so I did. I didn't spend a very long time just a few minutes and I asked God to seal to my heart that I was still His child and the verse came to me that "I'll never leave you nor forsake you." also earlier before I knelt and prayed the song "I would not be denied" came to my mind (that's one I wouldn't normally think of) especially the verse that says "Ole Satan said my Lord was gone and would not hear my prayer: but praise the Lord the work is done and Christ the Lord is here!" and God seemed to be whispering to me that, that was exactly what the devil was trying to do is get me to believe God wasn't hearing my prayers and wasn't with me!
This morning during the service we had a family in from out of state (their son and daughter-in-law live here and attend our church and run our church school) and they sang the song "Just Ask" and it was hard for me to keep my seat without getting up and praising the Lord (I'm kind of shy in church or in a crowd, I'm that way at school too so it's not just church), I sat crying quietly in my seat thanking God for once again visiting my heart! It's wonderful to know that I'm a child of the King and an heir to Heaven and robe, crown and mansion someday. And again tonight He came and helped our Pastor deliver a much needed sermon on how we should be like Daniel and the way that He purposed in his heart to get home at any cost, praying 3 times a day even when there was a decree out that sent him to the lion's den, even not bowing before an idol and being thrown into a fiery furnace. God is bigger than all that stuff anyhow and if we'll just set our minds and hearts on Heaven, and pray humbly, and seek God's face (seek how He wants us to live our lives) then we'll be living like Daniel. What are you wanting God to do for you today?
God has been working on my heart and drawing me into a deeper relationship with Him, and I'm doing my very best to live out what He's asking me to do. There have been somethings that's He's laid a finger on that have been hard to do but I'm setting my goals and sites on Heaven, this here is not my home, I'm just a passing through. Someday I'll be where the trivial things of this life will not matter anymore and I don't want to miss that day for anything this world has to offer. Lord, Search me and draw me, help me to seek your face in all that I do. I truly want to be a Proverbs 31 woman. And a woman after God's own heart.
Praise the Lord, God is so very good!!! He is always there when we need HIM!! Thanks for sharing this encouraging blog post.. Nice to know we are not along on this journey towards heaven on this old fashioned way!!!