Monday, August 20, 2018

A most awesome potty training product!

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As a mom you'll understand the ups and downs of potty training! Well with twins it's doubly different. You would think it would be easier since they have a sibling to help and encourage them, but nope! Big E was pretty easy to potty train and did very well and has done very well. She freaks out if she wets the bed or has an accident. However, Little E has been a different story. She's such a busy little critter that I think she just gets involved and forgets it's time to go.

A few months ago I had the opportunity to get a kit from PottyMD for potty training. And I jumped on it! It has been awesome and has helped Little E tremendously!
Little E loves her Potty Monkey! (It makes different sounds too and has different settings on the battery box, you just have to try out different settings) 

The kit comes with this adorable fluffy monkey who talks and says he has to go potty and asks if you have to go too! There is also a potty that makes the flushing sound when the button is pushed. Let's just say that for awhile that monkey went everywhere with Little E and it made Big E a bit jealous!

Wet-Stop 3+One of the things that we were struggling with was bed wetting and guess what?? Little E has been bed wet free for several weeks now! Our kit came with the Wet Stop 3 Alarm that you hook up to them at night. One end kind of looks like a phone jack but has a highly sensitive sensor on it that picks up any dampness including if they pull up undies too quickly after going potty. The other part the box will vibrate and set off an alarm when it senses wetness. It did the trick. Although it seemed to scare the girls and I think that also helped to cure the night time wetting because Little E finally decided that she didn't want to have to wear the alarm at night so she started making herself get up to go potty. So now, no more wearing the alarm and no more waking mommy up because she wet the bed. Yipee! I'm so thankful for having found this amazing program. I highly recommend it. It took us a couple of months for it to take effect but it worked!
Click here to purchase or view on their website!

*Please note, I did receive the whole kit for free in exchange for this review. However, the opinions stated here are my own and are true.

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