Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My dad went to heaven....

Last Tuesday at 7:46 am my dad went to be with the Lord. Boy has this past week been rough. From the phone call saying my dad died after a serious accident. It was all so unexpected. So Hubby and I rushed to be with my mom and over the next day or so the rest of the family gathered in. We were together as a family sharing memories of our dad and crying together. Just seems like he should still be here with us, but we can see how God was preparing us for this time. Not that when death comes you're ever prepared for it, and especially not when it's a shock like this has been. My mom said at first she couldn't even cry just felt weak. Their pastor was with her when she saw dad for the first time after the accident (he was dead when they got him to the hospital) and I'm glad he was! Mom did get to talk to him on the phone at the scene of the accident where he said he wasn't bleeding or cut but just didn't feel good and was gonna let them take him to the hospital. He was very calm when talking to my mom and she said that's a conversation she'll never forget, he was normally high strung and would've been especially so after totaling his plowing truck for the winter, but was calm and resigned to that. I believe the Lord was working with his mind and bringing it around to praying. My younger brother Kevin flew in to Pittsburgh that night and came to where we were staying and it was probably 3 A.M. before we got to bed that night. The next night my older brother and his family came in from Florida around 10 PM or so. We just held each other and wept. I don't think I've ever seen my older brother cry and that was hard. Keith and Kevin are both Marines and they wore their dress blues to the funeral and sat and stood on either side of my mom as she accepted the flag that was draped over my dad's casket (he was an airforce veteran). They did the 21 gun salute and then presented the Bible to Keith and the shells to me. It's been the hardest time in my life I think. He was my dad for 26 precious years and he was a good dad, us kids knew he loved us and was proud of our paths in life. I regret that my father didn't get to meet our children but mom said I can ask Jesus to tell him and I will. I'm so very glad for the week that the Lord gave us with him at Christmas before he died. It'll be a week I never forget. Keith and his wife and one of their girls got to web cam with him on New Year's day and that's so precious to them.
     The night before we left to come home, I sat in his chair with a blanket he used that still smelled like him and that started the tears flowing! I'm gonna miss him so much and already do! Seems like I should be able to call him about things and tell him what's going on, but I can't. I know he's singing with the angels and praising the Lord and that's a comfort. But no one will ever replace him, he was a one of a kind guy. I love him still and always will.


  1. Dearest Abigail,
    WOW! Where do I begin to tell you how SORRY I am that you lost your precious Daddy! What a sudden LOSS!
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog...and I'm going to be praying for you and your family during this VERY DIFFICULT time!


  2. Dear Abigail,
    We were so sorry to hear of your loss. Know we ( out here in AZ) have been praying for your family. My grandma( Mary Johnson Simmons) sends her prayers and love to you and your family.

